After the first of the year, my same friend sent me the fabric she wanted her own Mae Bear created from. She had told me of the embroidery her mom had done on the front of the denim shirt but words could not describe the beauty of the intricate work. I used to do this kind of thing and I know the effort that went into it. I was both honored to be using this garment and scared that I might not do it justice!
I say a little prayer for guidance and permission before I start a new bear and cut into the garments for bears. It's a spiritual experience for me and turning a garment into fabric is something I don't take lightly. Only when that ritual is finished do I take a picture and begin the work. For the first time since I started making bears, I forgot to take a picture of the original garments!
Mae's Own Handiwork |
I started the bear by cutting the front and putting it together. I wanted to be sure it all came together just right so I could take some of my self-induced pressure off my mind. I did my best to save every bit of Mae's beautiful work. I was thrilled with the way it turned out and feel I honored the work for Mae and for her daughter who will cherish this bear.
As you can see, the body of the bear is the denim and it went together like a dream. I used the pink flannel for the accents on the second Mae bear.
Mae Bear Front |
Anita was very happy with this bear and gave it a special place in her home. I like knowing Mae Bear is where she is supposed to be!
Mae Bear Back |
I needed a break from the emotional side of creating the bears after I finished this one. As much as I enjoyed making this one, I didn't have it in me to start another one. Seasoned bear makers had warned me this could (would) happen and they were right. I needed time to be doing something else for awhile. The something else turned out to be gifts for babies-to-be and learning a new craft. That will be a new blog, soon. Right now I need to get back to making two bears for another good friend. This time I will pace myself and not do so many bears in such a short time.